Monday, February 22, 2010

My Skull Hates Music

I like to expose my kids to as large of a variety of activities as I can on a limited (basically non-existant) budget. The public library is great for this! We've gone to puppet shows, performing dog shows, storytime, plays, live history shows, and a variety of music concerts. Tonight Doc Young was performing at Whitmore Library. He plays banjo, mandolin, harmonica, and guitar. Yousef was in no mood to go to a concert tonight and said he absolutely did not want to go. I made him go anyway. As we pulled into the library he said, "Mom, why do you like music so much?" I replied, "It makes my soul happy." Sullenly he complained, "Well it makes my skull angry! I hate music!!" I told him that it was so sad he didn't like music anymore since he used to love it and was always singing and dancing. During the first song Yousef ran back excutedly and informed me, "Mom, he's playing without a radio or anything - just his guitar!! Cool!" By the time the next song began he and Ammon couldn't resist it anymore and they jumped up and started dancing for everyone. That was the cue for all the kids in the auditorium to get on their feet and start to shake it!! Yousef led them up to the stage and for the next half hour everyone had a riot dancing and singing! When we left Yousef said to me, "Okay my skull had enough music and I still hate music Mom." I wish I enjoyed all the things I hate as much as he does!

Monday, February 15, 2010

They Crack Me Up!!

I love being a mom!! It is my greatest joy and often quite hilarious - especially with a 2 and 4 year old. They can say the funniest things...for instance....

Last week I was going to a funeral and as I was rushing the boys out the door I put on some lipstick. Yousef looked at me and said, "Mom, why did you put on lipstick? Are you looking for a husband?"

It always makes me smile when I hear the boys say something I can hear myself saying - oh, except when it makes me cringe!! So the other day Yousef says to Ammon the two year old, "Ammon, don't even think about it!" Ammon pauses a minute, gets that look on his face and says, "I'm thinking about it!!"

Just now the boys are playing and Yousef threatens Ammon if he doesn't do something then he's not going to be his best bud. Ammon replies in this soft sweet voice, "Jojo, I happy, you happy." Aaahh, what if we did that in all our relationships - let's make sure you're happy and I'm happy!

A bit ago I was on the floor playing with the boys and Yousef asks, "Mom, are you going to marry Ammon when he gets bigger?" I say, "Don't you want to marry my?" He replies, "Uh Mom, are you going to look like this when I get bigger?" and he holds up an invitation to Bella's Circus Party with a trapeze artist on the front. I laugh and say, "No." "Then Mom, no." Ouch!!

Ammon has that cute little 2-year old voice and is talking up a storm. It's so sweet to hear him talk - even when he's saying things like, "Don't tell me!!" or "Don't call me bad!" if he thinks he's in trouble. I keep telling him he's never bad, he just needs to make good choices but even when he doesn't, he's never a bad person. Still it is kind of sweet/sad how he says it!