How did it happen so quickly?! My little 2 lb 13 oz baby is now a kindergartner! Life is whizzing by way too fast for my liking! There was so much I was going to do with him before he started school, so many adventures, so much to explore, so much to teach and learn.....
But look - here he is - a full-time kindergartner in Mrs. Dahlgren's class at Sandy Elementary! And he's doing really well. He would rather be playing all the live long day but he is liking school "pretty well". Last Friday, as he was begging "just to have a day off", he exclaimed, "I just don't want to have to go to school every day forever!"
He loves recess - of course! He likes his teacher and making new friends. He thinks it's pretty cool to eat in the lunch room and thinks the cafeteria food is yummy. He's already started trading at lunch. He even likes doing the school work and homework! Yeah! If we can just keep that attitude for the next 16-18 years!! When I asked him if there is anything he doesn't like he told me, "I hate that we can never go on a walk to a store and that I can't just take a day off whenever I want!"
Overall I think he's doing great and I'm excited to start volunteering - although I'm afraid I've overwhelmed his teacher with my enthusiasm! I just don't want my boys growing up so fast!!